Pubity and Meta teamed up to bring the Pubity Group community an extraordinary challenge – to create a brand-new track using only Instagram. This unique collaboration invited followers of Pubity, Memezar, Gamingzar, and Britishmemes to be part of an unprecedented creative journey.

Starting with a simple DM, the creation process – from choosing the genres, writing the lyrics and designing the artwork – was collaboratively driven by Instagram Stories. Our community of millions across Pubity Group’s channels had the opportunity to vote on key decisions, suggest ideas, and watch as the track came to life in real-time.

We then onboarded our incredible talent; Stepz, Papz, D n Lish and Finn Askew, to bring the song to life with their mesmerising vocal performances.

As Lead Creative on this project, it was my duty to bridge together the worlds of music and socials. From writing the chorus, recording vocals for talent, to writing the full music video treatment and creatively leading the shoot day, my role was a hybrid, unique coming-together of responsibilities that highlighted my music and digital prowesses.


The numbers were pretty eye-popping for this campaign…

  • 49 million impressions

  • A total reach of 38.3 million

  • Over 350,000 likes from 10 posts

  • Average engagement rate of 3%

  • Genre story polls in phase one of the campaign achieved 11% engagement rates

  • The highest-performing post was the Memezar meme dump, which achieved over 7 million organic impressions

  • x4 posts with organic reach of over 5 million organic impressions each


Jeremy Corbyn