As part of the Season 2 rollout for the beloved TOP BOY Netflix, the Forward Slash team were asked to plan and execute the content and social media strategy for Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.

I helped establish the campaign's tone of voice and topics covered across socials, while a core part of my role day-to-day on the project was copywriting for socials.

Another key part of my role was scheduling and uploading posts, so if you see a post from Season 2 on Instagram, chances are, I wrote the copy, and posted it.

Community management and social listening to boost the show’s online presence and galvanise the audience. I was online for 8am on launch day posting the first asset across socials, then sat online all day watching the fans’ reactions come in. People who skip to the ending and spoil it on socials are the worst!


  • Over 55 million campaign content impressions across all platforms

  • Over 30 million reach for the campaign on Instagram

  • 7.5 million video views on Instagram

  • Grew Instagram following by over 230,000 (nearly doubling the original following of 244k)

  • 2.7 million engagements across all platforms

  • Over 680,000 Twitter engagements

  • 64K likes and 16K comments on Facebook




BBC 1Xtra Throwbacks